Tuesday, March 08, 2005

TWP Creative Theme - Catch up session #3

The theme was MEMORY:

Wow... three catch ups in a row. I think I've lucked out with this one because several years ago I wrote a poem called "I Remember." So, here's my contribution (late and probably never to be read by anyone else) on this The Writing Parent Creative Theme.

I Remember
I recall...
the happy days,
my childish ways,
the chicken-pox,
white bobby-socks,
the games I played,
the plans I made,
the teenage talks,
the peaceful walks,
the swimming pool,
the private school,
the cooking class
I barely passed,
the lessons learned,
the times I yearned
to be elsewhere
without a care,
the hopeful dreams
and hopeless schemes,
the loves i had:
some made me sad -
when they would end
I'd lose a friend,
the seasons past,
years flee so fast;
time has flown by
and now I sigh
"Je me souviens...
I remember."

©1982 eleanor lethbridge
(I was only 22 years old at the time...)

1 comment:

AGK said...

Hey, I made it over to read them :) You can still go enter the links on each individual theme page. I still get visits from the older themes I participated in. (And Lord knows I SHOULD participate a little more in my own challenge - ha!)